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Trash Storage and Screening

Published: January 26, 2024

It is the obligation that each Homeowner in our Community is adhering to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCC&R’s), set forth in Travis Ranch Documents. Every homeowner is bound to conform to the Articles of the covenants. We have received phone and email communication from multiple homeowners concerned with the following topic: Board of Directors approval of Community Wide Standard

Trash Containers Rules and Regulation:

• Trash and/or garbage must be kept in sanitary containers with a lid.
• Trash bins are not permitted to be visible on non-trash pick-up days.
• Trash and/or recycle bins must be stored outside of the public view in garage, behind the AC or backyard.

Note: Trash bins can be put on the side of the home with prior ACC approved screening. (Please see details and pictures below and with an ACC application and approval: ACC Request Form.

Requirements for trash can screening.

• May screen with live mature screening or "L" shape fencing that matches the current fence in your yard.
• The concrete pad and screening must be 5 feet from the front facade of the home.
• Live screening must be mature at time of planting, tall enough to hide the trash cans.
• The height of the fencing must be at least 48 inches (4ft) and no greater than 72 inches (6ft).
• Screening must not restrict neighboring Lot access to their side yard, may not block access to AC unit for repairs and maintenance.
• The stain must match the perimeter fence. Approved stain colors are Sherwin Williams: Banyan Brown #3522 Sable Brown or clear on the natural wood.

Click here to download and read the Trash Storage and Screening Communication

Travis Ranch HOA

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