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Expedited Trash Can Screening

Published: January 26, 2024

We are pleased to announce our assistance in expediting the ACC (Architectural Control & Conditions) approval process for trash container screening as listed below:

Trash Containers Rules and Regulation:

    • Trash and/or garbage must be kept in sanitary containers with a lid.
    • Trash bins are not permitted to be visible on non-trash pick-up days.
    • Trash and/or recycle bins must be stored outside of the public view in garage, behind the AC or backyard.

Trash Can Screening (please SEND all required information below to expedite the approval process):

    • You may shield them with live mature bush/shrub screening at the time of planting (must be tall enough to block trash cans; ex: see photo 5); an "L" shape fencing or one-panel that matches the current fence in your yard. The screening must be five (5) feet from the front façade of the home.
    • Screening must not restrict neighboring Lot access to their side yard and may not block access to the AC unit for repairs and maintenance.
    • SEND: A reference picture of the “L” shape fencing (ex: see photo 1 & 2); one panel (see ex: photos 3 & 4) or bushes that will be used.
    • SEND: Measurements (size) if installing a concrete pad.
    • SEND: A copy of the survey of your Lot or photo marking the location of the project. (ex: see photo 6)
    • SEND: Height of the fencing which must be at least 48 inches (4ft) and no greater than 72 inches (6ft).
    • SEND: The stain color which must match the perimeter fence on the property. Approved stain colors are Sherwin Williams: Banyan Brown #3522, Sable Brown or clear on the natural wood.

To ensure a speedy approval process, please forward all information listed above to - ACC Request Form (

Click here to download and read the Expedited ACC Trash Container Screening 122223

Travis Ranch HOA

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